
17 January 2008

2007 Year-end Summary tag response

Having put off starting the blog for quite a while, extrinsic motivation from my friend Justin by “tagging” me in his year-end post just might have been the straw I needed. Here in turn, then, are my responses to answers to the various questions originally posed by peter chartaris and subsequently ping-pong’d through the trailrunning blogoshere…

1. 2007's most memorable moment on the trail...

On the Hardrock course, ripping the 5000+’ downhill from Oh Point Road/Engineer’s Pass towards Ouray. I knew the sun would be setting soon, and I wanted to see the spectacular trail cut into the cliffs of Ouray Bear Creek Canyon before it got dark (one of the sections in the race manual warning of “exposure, agrophobia”!). The sunset colours fluoresced the sky, grass, trees and rocks in spectacularly vivid colours. I felt really good and was just hammering down the trail, passing a few people along the way. I reached the specific section of cut-out trail while it was still light, and was grateful for that since the 300’ sheer drop to the side would have made night travel a bit more treacherous. While slowing a bit to (safely) take in the trail, I still pushed the pace and made it to the Uncomphagre River at the bottom of the valley before having to turn on my lights. (See Klas Eklof’s excellent pictures of this entire section, in the opposite direction we ran in 2007).

2. Best new trail I discovered in 2007...

My friends Gail and George in Kelowna took a few of us on the Okanagan High Rim Trail. We only ran part of it, but it had such a variety of terrain and flora as to be constantly interesting, and it was great to come across a rugged, beautiful, and local long trail. It basically runs from Vernon down past Kelowna for ~100k, and could be extended through another series of trails to head down as far as Penticton. The next objective, of course, is to bag the entire thing J

3. My best performance of the year...

A first place finish at the Yukon River Trail Marathon – my first overall win in a race, and taking place two weeks after a decent effort at Hardrock. I went out pretty quickly with three other guys, sticking to their tails while thinking I was going too hard, but not wanting to let them go. After a steep downhill at about 10k, one guy dropped off the back and I surged up into the lead. Another guy popped after another kilometre or three, and I kept the pace high and slowly pulled ahead of the remaining chaser. I felt like I was going my 10k cross-country pace, but the fast tempo through the winding single-track trail through the woods and around small lakes was just pure trail-running heaven. I held it together to take the win.

4. I don't know how I previously survived without...

Our Saeco Magic Deluxe superautomatic coffee maker. One push of a button to a cup of fresh-ground brew!

5. The person I would most like to meet on the trail in 2008...

Anyone running their first ultra. I love the enthusiasm, the fear, the excitement, the wide eyes, and the absolute joy you see in someone as they evolve into an ultrarunner before your eyes. I like to encourage them along the way, and perhaps pass on some hard-learned wisdom to make their journey easier.

But to name names, I always like to spend trail time with my buddy Sue Johnston. She has a wealth of experience in trail running, hiking and adventuring, is slightly faster than me so makes me work, and keeps me chuckling along the way with an excellently dry sense of humour. We cross paths way less than I would like, but I always enjoy being able to keep up with her for a while when we do.

6. The race I am most excited/scared about in 2008 is…

The long run I hope to get in this year – maybe one of the Trans333/555 races or a solo long-distance multi-day thing. I have not confirmed anything yet, but whatever it ends up being will probably make me crap my pants while at the same time making the adrenaline flow!

Who can I tag? Well, Sue might bite, but since it is the middle of January, year-end wrap-ups are not so interesting anymore J


Justin Angle said...

nice to see your blog go live! i can personally attest to the validity of your now make a mean espresso!


Bruce Grant said...

Thanks, Justin. The "cafe" is always open for you and Maggie!

RunSueRun said...


Should I have entered that silly
C2M thing??



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